Two simple questions for this evening’s Arsenal Supporters Trust meeting


by Ivan Merc

This evening an Arsenal Supporters’ Trust meeting will take place. I’m lifetime AST member, but as I’m overseas supporter I will not be able to attend, but I’d like to take my chance to make a contribution to the proceedings.

Some ‘silly people’ will discuss the current situation at Arsenal. I’m also ‘silly’ because I didn’t start legal action against Peter Hill-Wood last spring when he described the Trust in this way. How many AST members would have supported such a legal action in April? You never know, as there is no regular procedure for collecting opinions.

If the AST wants to represent the supporters’ view – it just needs to ask supporters regularly, not once a year in survey, but as often as necessary. We live in an internet era and we can’t vote every month? Why doesn’t the AST have a voting facility on its website? Is it too expensive? Or is it because the board of the Trust want to manipulate their members’ voices?

How many AST members think that “The AST does not believe the Trust should discuss the position of the manager mid-season” ?

What is the percentage that supported this notion? In my vision if the AST want to make the announcement on a certain matter — the members should be asked online on this matter.

But today Arsenal are in serious trouble and AST must step in and have a strong say.

No more political games. No more denials and excuses. No more friendship with the current regime. No more AST meetings at Emirates stadium. The current policy must be changed and the AST must sound its opinion very loudly. And not in Ivan Gazidis’ mobile phone, but to all Gooners all over the World.

In order to get it I’d like to offer two very easy yes/no questions to be voted today on AST meeting:

1. Should Arsene Wenger leave the club before the 1st of June 2012?

2. Should Alisher Usmanov have 30% representation on the Arsenal board?

The results of such votes will tell their own story. And I believe all we need is to understand where we – supporters – are today.

(also published at

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9 комментариев

  1. Avstral

    Два логичных вопроса, но если честно, я понятия не имею как на них ответит большинство Гунеров. Хотя ответы вроде бы очевидны…

  2. Baku gun
    Baku gun

    Иван, спасибо за все ваши старания. Я высоко ценю вашу настойчивость и самоатадчу. Я уверен, это дасть свои плоды — может быть не так быстро, но обязательно дасть. Спасибо что говорите и за нас тоже.

    • Mercuriev

      Я говорю строго от себя. От имени народа в мою молодость говорила коммунистическая партия, и с тех пор у меня иммунитет)

  3. unrivalled

    Люди очень часто задают один и тот же вопрос о трофеях, но финишировать в первой четверке это сродни трофею © Арсен Венгер

  4. unrivalled

    Мда, Иван, Вы были правы. Разговоры о «секонд бест» плавно перетекли в «топ-4 бест» ))

  5. dauren8181

    Февраль 2013 г. Финишировать в топ-10 сродни выигрыша трофея.
    Февраль 2014 г. Остаться в АПЛ сродни выигрыша трофея.


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